
Balkan Paradise Orchestra

Balkan Paradise Orchestra are bringing their Unza Unza Tour to Sala Apolo

Throughout 2019 they have pumped festivity into Catalonia with their debut album, ‘K’ataka’.

The 11 musicians in Balkan Paradise Orchestra have managed to bring a band unlike any other to stages across Catalonia. They created the group at the beginning of 2015, but they hadn’t made their way into the recording study until 2019 with their album, K’taka. All the members of the group have had different training, experiences and influences, but none of them are lacking in passion for Balkan traditions. This means that their music brings together traditional melodies with rhythms from across the world to create an explosive show. Now the time has come for the tour of their first album, the Unza Unza Tour, to pass through Barcelona, and they will do that in different concert halls. Right after coming back from Sweden, they’ll end up in Sala Apolo with a concert/show full of the Balkan Paradise Orchestra's power, charisma and spontaneity.

The group will be performing on 20 November at 10 pm, but doors will open one hour before. Balkan Paradise Orchestra, or as they are sometimes known, BPO, will get people moving in La 2 de l’Apolo. The orchestra is made up of brass, woodwind and percussion instruments, so get ready for powerful and really danceable rhythms.

The regular ticket for the concert costs €11 if you buy it in advance or €15 on the door. You can get yours on See Tickets.

Publication date: Tuesday, 12 November 2019
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