
"Tot el que sempre has volgut saber sobre la vida sexual de Shakespeare (i mai no has gosat preguntar)"

Up until the 2nd of February the Àtic 22 hall of the Tantarantana theatre is hosting a montage based on the works of the English playwright

Tot el que sempre has volgut saber sobre la vida sexual de Shakespeare (i mai no has gosat preguntar) (All you ever wanted to know about Shakespeare’s sex life (but were afraid to ask) is the title of the theatrical montage directed by Cacu Prat and which can be seen in the Àtic 22 hall of the Teatre Tantarantana up until the 2nd of February.

The performance stars Maria Bosom, Joel Pla and Lluís Cartes (who provides the music), and consists of a staged representation of the passion which pervades the 153 sonnets written by Shakespeare towards the end of the 16th century. While the piece focuses on one particular love triangle, the objective is to reveal the history of love and heartbreak in all its facets – universal love as a representation of all human passion.

The script, based on a text by Gerard Vergés with the collaboration of Txema Martínez, in combination with the music, serve to transport the spectator to a world of love and sex in which they will easily be able to identify the unrestrained passion of Romeo and Juliet, Othello’s soul-destroying jealously as well as the treachery and manipulation of Macbeth.

The Torb Teatre production, then, is an adaptation of the playwright’s sonnets in a daring montage that attempts to reveal all the facets of the human soul, from the most pure to the most vulgar.

Publication date: Monday, 27 January 2014
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