More Sustainable Commerce news
29/01/2025 - 15:34 h Commerce and markets Mercabarna is launching a campaign to highlight the value of farmers, local products and buying locally
The video podcast “Converses de proximitat” [Local Conversations] was launched, a podcast with five episodes where chef Marc Ribas will talk about local products from different points of view.
28/11/2024 - 15:02 h Climate emergency New Climate Plan to strengthen the response to the climate crisis
With an investment of more than 1,800 million euros, the goal is to decarbonise the city and make it more resilient.
25/11/2024 - 10:01 h Climate emergency Now you can sign up to consume municipal solar energy
Barcelona City Council opens the process to apply for the new shared self-consumption service, providing access to solar energy generated in public space.
10/09/2024 - 19:19 h Commerce and markets Sustainable food starts at the markets: we spoke to establishments at the Mercat de la Llibertat about green commerce
Stallholders from municipal markets promote sustainable food and local organic produce, making the most of the trust they have built up with neighbourhood customers.
More Sustainable Commerce
Compromís Ciutadà per una Barcelona + Sostenible 2024-2034
És hora de decidir com volem viure i conviure, i de canviar el model. Cal actuar ja, i fer-ho de manera responsable, conjunta i continuada.
El 7 de maig de 2024 es va aprovar el compromís que ha de permetre assolir una ciutat més pròspera, inclusiva, equitativa, resilient i responsable aglutinant el màxim d’agents compromesos amb un futur millor.

Què ofereix el programa?
El programa de Comerç+Sostenible ofereix als seus membres un ampli ventall d'elements i recursos

Conjunt d'eines, materials, avantatges i incentius dels membres de Comerç+Sostenible.

Consell Ciutadà per la Sostenibilitat
El Consell Ciutadà per la Sostenibilitat és l'òrgan consultiu i de participació sectorial de ciutat que actua en els àmbits relacionats amb la sostenibilitat. El Consell és el promotor del Compromís Ciutadà per una Barcelona + Sostenible i representa els diferents col·lectius i sectors implicats.
More Sustainable Commerce news
29/01/2025 - 15:34 h Commerce and markets Mercabarna is launching a campaign to highlight the value of farmers, local products and buying locally
The video podcast “Converses de proximitat” [Local Conversations] was launched, a podcast with five episodes where chef Marc Ribas will talk about local products from different points of view.
28/11/2024 - 15:02 h Climate emergency New Climate Plan to strengthen the response to the climate crisis
With an investment of more than 1,800 million euros, the goal is to decarbonise the city and make it more resilient.
25/11/2024 - 10:01 h Climate emergency Now you can sign up to consume municipal solar energy
Barcelona City Council opens the process to apply for the new shared self-consumption service, providing access to solar energy generated in public space.
10/09/2024 - 19:19 h Commerce and markets Sustainable food starts at the markets: we spoke to establishments at the Mercat de la Llibertat about green commerce
Stallholders from municipal markets promote sustainable food and local organic produce, making the most of the trust they have built up with neighbourhood customers.