Lola Robles

Lola Robles (Madrid, 1963) is a writer and feminist activist, a pacifist and queer, and the winner of the 2020 Gabriel award. Her published science-fiction novels include La rosa de las nieblas (Kira), El informe Monteverde (Crononauta), Yabarí (Cerbero), El árbol de Sefarad (Cerbero) and Historias del Crazy Bar y otros relatos de lo imposible (Stonewall, with M. Concepción Regueiro). She is a benchmark in research in female genre authors thanks to her 'Fantástikas' blog and workshop and has had essays published, such as 'En regiones extrañas' (Cazador de Ratas), 'Poshumanas y distópicas' (Eolas) and 'Hijas del futuro' (Consonni). Her novel Más allá de Concordia (Consonni) was recently published.

TW: @ladyquercus