Mariló Àlvarez Sanchis

Mariló Àlvarez Sanchis (Picassent, 1987) is a graduate in Journalism, an editor and a writer specialising in science fiction. Her literary output includes YA works such as the dystopian La primera oleada (Algar, 2021) and the anthology of science-fiction short stories Relats d’un futur imperfecte (Edelvives, 2018), as well as Piranya social (Sembra Llibres, 2022), which pays homage to teenage nerds. She has also written adult works, such as the short novel Guia avançada per a pringades espacials (Chronos, 2023). She received the València Nova award in 2020 for La taxidermista d’emocions, and the Agustí Vehí Vila de Tiana Memorial award in 2022 for Suïcidis S.A. She recently published Insurgents (Bromera, 2023), the second part of La primera oleada.

TW: @MariloAlvarez

IG: @malsan_ilustracion