Raül Garrigasait

Raül Garrigasait (Solsona, 1979) is an essayist and novelist, although his education was in music and ancient languages. He has been particularly focused on essays, with works such as El fugitiu no se’n va, Els fundadors, La ira, País barroc and El gos cosmopolita, and in 2017 published the novel Els estranys, for which he received the Llibreter Award, the Òmnium Award for the best novel in the Catalan language and the El Setè Cel Award. With his love of both abstract reflection and storytelling, Garrigasait takes elements from a long literary tradition to think about idols and the malaises of the modern world. While in Els estranys, he explored the foundations of the modern era, in Profecia, his latest work, he focuses on the other extreme: our present day, in which it is difficult to imagine or foresee a future that is not a dystopia.

TW: @rgsait