#BCNJove2030, Barcelona’s new Adolescence and Youth Plan
The new Adolescence and Youth Plan 2023-2030 has been launched to drive public policies aimed at people between the ages of 12 and 35 in the city. The #BCNJove2030 Plan sets out 44 goals and 190 areas of action, placing special emphasis on education, work, housing, health and welfare, culture, participation, the climate emergency and more.
The #BCNJove2030 Plan has largely been defined with the help of young people in the city. The city has nearly half a million between the ages of 12 and 35, representing 28.5% of the population. Different processes such as the Fòrum Jove BCN (2021), the Barcelona Adolescent Participatory Process, Youth Act! And the participatory for this same plan have enabled 850 young people to put forward proposals and have their say.
The new Barcelona Adolescence and Youth Plan includes 73 new areas of action, 52 semi-new areas and 65 existing and ongoing areas from the previous plan. Three cross-cutting themes underpin all the actions: Intersectionality, Public Space and Communication and Information.
Some of the most notable actions in different spheres are:
- Education: boost for the dual FP vocational training system, the Second Chance School, actions to foster science vocations among girls and the inclusion of STEAM programmes with the gender perspective.
- Housing: housing with services for young people, subsidies to foster emancipation, facilitating the purchase of furniture and domestic appliances, reservation of 30% of affordable rents on leaseholds for young people.
- Health and welfare: inclusion of an emotional education programme for all ages, action to tackle unwanted loneliness among young people, suicide prevention, healthy free time programmes by Barcelona Salut als Barris, aimed at teenagers and young people at risk.
- Culture and leisure: recognition of the diverse realities of youth leisure and culture, or the creation of a young people’s leisure board to work on promoting alternative leisure models.
- Participation and community action: involvement of young people in the participatory budgets and an annual municipal meeting on young people’s affairs.
- Sports: maintenance of young people’s pricing at municipal sports centres until the age of 18, plus awareness campaigns against violence in sports spaces.
- Climate emergency: promotion of sustainable food and dissemination and promotion of municipal services and operation for energy savings, the energy transition and energy rights.