Opposition proposals from the full council meeting of 28 January 2022
The first full council meeting of 2022, held in January, approved six proposals: one from JxCat calling for the results of the survey on the Winter Olympics 2030 to be accepted, one from Cs to monitor the use of European special funding, one from the PP requesting a report on projects receiving Next Generation funding, and one from Valents, urging the City Council to publicly back the Winter Olympics bid. BComú and the PSC presented two proposals with content for institutional declarations, supporting the national language pact and also the education community before the sixth wave of Covid-19, respectively. Both proposals were approved.
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya called on the municipal government to create a shock plan to ensure safety in the neighbourhood of El Besòs i el Maresme. The proposal was rejected, with the ERC, JxCat and Cs voting in favour, while BComú, the PSC, Valents and the independent councillor voted against it and the PP abstained.
Junts per Catalunya asked for the result of the survey in the Alt Pirineu and Aran areas to be accepted. The survey gauges people’s opinions on the bid for the Winter Olympics 2030. If the results are favourable, the proposal from JxCat calls on the city to give its full support for the candidacy. The proposal was approved with votes from the ERC, JxCat and Cs, while the PP, Valents and the independent councillor voted against it and BComú and the PSC abstained.
Ciutadans urged the municipal government to develop an information system for monitoring the resources received by the City Council through Europe’s special Next Generation funding. This proposal was unanimously approved.
The proposal from the Partit Popular called on the municipal government to present a six-monthly report before the Commission for the Economy on the municipal projects receiving Next Generation funding, along with their goals and the amounts finally awarded to each of them. The proposal was approved unanimously.
Valents proposed giving public support to the candidacy for the Pirineus-Barcelona-Saragossa Winter Olympics 2030. The proposal was approved with favourable votes from the PSC, Cs, the PP, Valents and the independent councillor, with the ERC, BComú and JxCat abstaining.
Barcelona en Comú proposed content for an institutional declaration supporting the Catalan government’s National Language Pact and to draft it and include goals and initiatives. The proposal was approved with votes from the ERC, BComú, the PSC and JxCat, while Cs, the PP, Valents and the independent councillor voted against it.
The Partit Socialista de Catalunya also proposed content for an institutional declaration. The declaration supports the education community before the sixth wave of Covid-19 and urges the Ministry of Education to make a commitment to minimise its impact. The proposal was approved unanimously.