City agreement to transform the Ronda de Dalt
The Full Council has approved the creation of a commission on the agreement to transform the Ronda de Dalt ring road and its surroundings. The body will study and assess future options for covering the ring road, through maximum dialogue and consensus. The commission will represent local residents and social organisations, institutions, experts and municipal groups. Criteria on the ecological transition, urban planning, economic and social aspects will be taken into account when defining specific action.
The commission on the agreement to transform the Ronda de Dalt and its surroundings will help find solutions at technical, social and economic levels, with the broadest possible consensus. The body will be headed by an opposition councillor and its vice-chairs will be the First Deputy Mayor, Laia Bonet, and the Councillor for Horta-Guinardó, Lluís Rabell. The commission will have a technical office, a technical board with prestigious advisors and professionals, plus a citizen board with the broadest possible combination of stakeholders, visions and interests.
Second stage in the northern neighbourhoods of Horta-Guinardó
It’s now more than 30 years since the ring roads were built, providing connectivity but also separating neighbourhoods and generating noise and pollution. Because of this, the Ronda de Dalt was covered in neighbourhoods such as Canyelles, Bon Pastor and Baró de Viver. Now, to improve the quality of life of local residents, the process to cover the road needs to continue where it goes through the northern neighbourhoods of Horta-Guinardó: Montbau, Vall d’Hebron, Sant Genís, La Teixonera and Font del Gos.
After covering the section between the Mercat de la Vall d’Hebron and the Institute Vall d’Hebron (first stage), the next step is the section as far as Av. Vallcarca (the final project is now being drafted). Stages 3 and 4 will see the road covered from Av. Jordà to C/ Granja Vella, and from the latter as far as C/ Harmonia.

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City Council