Positive assessment of the Adolescence and Youth Plan 2017-2021

The Adolescence and Youth Plan 2017-2021 concluded with positive results, such as a 23% increase in action aimed at young people and a total of 283,571 people benefitting from it in 2021, some 27.9% more than when it was launched in 2017. Indicators show that actions implemented under the plan scored an average of 5.2 out of 7.

14/06/2022 16:04 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Adolescence and Youth Plan, presented before the Full Council on 30 June 2017, represented an essential tool for guaranteeing the rights of young people, the goal being to foster their autonomy. This mission was developed around four guiding principles: the promotion of young people’s emancipation, young people having a central role in social transformation, the comprehensive conception of well-being and sustainable and accessible territory to live in.

The Adolescence and Youth Plan 2017-2021 concludes with 180 measures executed in 2021, through 362 indicators, some 71.9% of indicators showing actions are either consolidated or completed, while 17.1% (25) indicators show actions have not got past the initial stage and 6.9% (10) were not started. A further seven actions were disregarded. The last two years show an increase in the number of indicators with new actions added in the government measure Youth in Mind 2021-2022, presented in March 2021.

In terms of the different areas and average scores, most were above 4, with only public space and the ecological transition coming out below the mark, at 3.5. The rise in employment stands out from the last year and ended up being the most significant area in the plan, with an average score of 6.4. This was followed by sport, with 6.1, and equality and diversity, with 6.

In terms of materialisation, notable actions include guidance and support in the area of work, over 30% of housing reserved for officially protected homes (36.5% awarded), more emotional support services and more Infojove services for young people.

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