First drawing competition for elderly people
The call is now open for Barcelona’s first drawing competition for the over-60s, a new event designed to give visibility to and promote the creative capacity of senior citizens. Works can be submitted until 31 October through the municipal network of centres for the elderly.
The topic for drawings is “My Neighbourhood” and each participant can choose whichever art technique they wish: painting, wax, pencils, pens, water colours or other techniques. Participants can enter up to two illustrations per author, and works must be original and never before used or published. Pieces can be submitted at any centre for the elderly in the municipal network up until 31 October.
Anybody aged 60 or over and officially residing in Barcelona can take part. The competition jury will choose thirteen works, one per district and a further three for the city as a whole. The chosen pieces will be announced on 10 November and used to illustrate the 2024 calendar published by the Department for the Promotion of Elderly People.
The initiative is part of the plan “Barcelona, Senior Citizen-Friendly City”, a project which understands this stage of life as a chance for personal growth and development.