Full Municipal Council Meeting’s main agreements on new government structures
The Full Municipal Council Meeting presenting the new municipal cabinet reached several agreements on the political structure that will be governing the City Council during this term of office, including the creation of four commissions and the appointment of four chairs of independent municipal bodies, public business entities and municipal companies.The main agreement are as follows:
Full Council Commissions
Four Full Council commissions have been established, with their corresponding chairs and deputy chairs divided into several municipal groups, both government and opposition:
- Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning, Mobility and Housing, chaired by Janet Sanz (BComú), with Laia Bonet (PSC) as deputy chair.
- Commission for Social Rights, Culture and Sports, chaired by Jordi Castellana (ERC), with Maria Eugènia Gay (PSC) as deputy chair.
- Commission for Presidency, Security and Internal Affairs, chaired by Albert Batlle (PSC), with Maria Eugènia Gay (PSC) as deputy chair.
- Commission for Economy and Tax Office, chaired by Francina Vila (J×Cat), with Raquel Gil (PSC) as deputy chair.
They were approved with votes in favour from J×Cat, PSC, BComú, ERC and the PP and against from VOX.
Independent municipal bodies and public business entities
The independent municipal bodies and public business entities will be chaired by the following individuals:
- Municipal Institute of Information Technology: Jordi Valls
- Municipal Tax Office: Jordi Valls
- Municipal Institute of Education: Maria Eugènia Gay
- Municipal Institute of Markets: Jordi Valls
- Municipal Institute of Urban Landscape and Quality of Life: Laia Bonet
- Municipal Institute of Parks and Gardens: Laia Bonet
- Municipal Institute of Urban Planning: Laia Bonet
- Institute of Culture: Maria Eugènia Gay
- Municipal Institute for Persons with Disabilities: Marta Villanueva
- Barcelona Municipal Institute of Housing and Renovation: Laia Bonet
- Barcelona Institute of Sports: David Escudé
- Municipal Institut of Social Services: Maria Eugènia Gay
- Mies van der Rohe Foundation: Laia Bonet
The agreement was reached with all the municipal political party groups, with the exception of VOX, which voted against it.
Municipal companies
All municipal political party groups have representatives in every administrative council, except for BSM, where there will be no representative from VOX. The chairs will be as follows:
- BIMSA (Barcelona Municipal Infrastructures): Laia Bonet
- Barcelona Activa: Raquel Gil
- BSM (Barcelona Municipal Services): Laia Bonet
- Foment de Ciutat: Lluís Rabell
- Barcelona Cicle de l’Aigua: Laia Bonet
This point was approved with all municipal political party groups in favour, with the exception of VOX, which voted against it.
Representatives in the Zona Franca Consortium
Unanimous approval was given for Barcelona City Council’s representatives in the Zona Franca Consortium. They are as follows:
- Jaume Collboni
- Xavier Trias
- Ada Colau
- Ernest Maragall
- Daniel Sirera
- Gonzalo de Oro-Pulido
- Jordi Valls
Salary updates
Approval was given for a 4% increase in salaries — having been frozen for twelve years—, not just for members of the municipal government but also for members of the opposition, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Executive Decree 18/2022, of 18 October 2022, allowing a 1.5% increase in public-sector salaries, and Act on the State’s General Budgets for 2023, allowing a 2.5% increase in public-sector salaries.
This point was approved with votes in favour from J×Cat, the PSC and the PP, with votes against from BComú and VOX and with ERC abstaining.
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