Agreement with Hàbitat 3 and Salas to grant the use of four municipal buildings for social rents

The City Council has signed an agreement granting leaseholds for one building in the Barceloneta neighbourhood and a further three in Horta to Hàbitat 3 and Salas. The two foundations will cover the cost of the work with Next Generation funding and funds from the Catalan Energy Institute. The operation is part of the agreement with non-profit organisations to promote social housing.

25/03/2024 15:38 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Llar Barceloneta

The building located in Pg. Joan de Borbó Comte de Barcelona will be renovated and the number of homes increased from eight to thirteen. The work will take roughly a year, at a cost of 2.7 million euros, to be jointly covered and managed during the leasehold period by the Fundació Hàbitat3 and the Fundació Salas.

The flats will be used for people at risk of social exclusion and for people on the Register of applicants for officially protected homes in Barcelona.

Mont-ral – Letamendi and Casa Gran, in Horta

Of the three buildings ceded to the Fundació Hàbitat 3 in the Horta neighbourhood, in the streets of Mont-ral and Letamendi, two will be renovated so that the 38 families currently living there can continue to do so. The project will cost 3.2 million euros.

The third building will be demolished and a new block built, the Casa Gran, with 600 square metres of space for twelve bedrooms with bathrooms and communal spaces. The budget is 1.5 million euros and the building will be managed by Hàbitat 3 in collaboration with a social organisation.


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