A bigger and better proposal for areas shared with dogs
The final approval for shared-use areas (ZUC) includes input gathered during the public scrutiny period: seven new spaces have been added, six substituted and changes made to some boundaries and times. When these areas come into force at the end of the year, the city will have 225 spaces where dogs can be let off their leads.
The shared-use areas for dogs are located in streets, squares, pedestrian avenues, parks and other public spaces where owners will be allowed to let their dogs off their leads during certain hours in the morning and the afternoon.
The goal was to establish at least one of these spaces in each of the city’s 73 neighbourhoods. In the end, and following the amendments to the initial proposal, there will be 109 areas. This particularly benefits the districts of L’Eixample and Les Corts, with three new spaces each, and Ciutat Vella, which adds part of the Parc de la Ciutadella.
225 spaces for dogs
Estimates put the number of dogs living in the city at 180,000. The addition of ZUC areas means there will be 225 dog-friendly spaces in all.
- 70 dog areas: up to 400 m2.
- 46 dog recreation areas: half of them with more than 700 m2.
- 109 shared-use areas.
- Dog beach.