Approval to renovate twenty-five children’s play areas

The Government Commission has given a green light to the renovation of play areas, with new play elements and improvements to paths with accessibility criteria. Work should start in the second half of this year.

04/04/2024 13:54 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The renovation of the children’s play areas will generally entail the installation of slides, swings, sand tubs, climbing elements and symbolic playing structures. In some cases, the work will involve enlarging the play areas or unifying contiguous spaces.

  • Eixample: play area in Passeig de Sant Joan, between C/ Provença and C/ Rosselló.
  • Les Corts: play areas in Pl. Comas, Jardins de Bacardí and Jardins de Josep Goday i Casals, in the inner quadrangle of the block at C/ Emèrita Augusta with Av. Madrid.
  • Sarrià – Sant Gervasi: play area in Pl. Cardona, at C/ Laforja with C/ Moliné.
  • Horta – Guinardó: the two children’s play areas in the Parc del Guinardó, by the slip road of C/ Nen de la Rutlla, which will be joined together, and the play area in Jardins de Manuel J. Arnalot.
  • Nou Barris: play areas in Pl. Paul Claudel, Parc de Josep Maria Serra Martí, Pl. Gabriel Alomar and at the point where C/ Alzinar and C/ Pierola converge.
  • Sant Martí: play areas in Pl. Valentí Almirall, Pl. Josep Maria Huertas Claveria, C/ Cantàbria with C/ Andrade and Rambla Prim, between C/ Guipúscoa and C/ Binèfar, Jardins de Joana Tomàs, Parc del Port Olímpic, C/ Ramon Turró with C/ Joan Miró, and Pl. Juliana Morell, in the inner quadrangle of the block at C/ Besiers, C/ Jaume Huguet and C/ Tolosa.

The work has an overall budget of 2.06 million euros and is part of the comprehensive maintenance plan.


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