Proposals by municipal groups in the full council meeting of 30 September 2022
September’s full council meeting approved four proposals with content for institutional declarations: from ERC and BComú, recognising those who first drew attention to the plot of fraudulent permits in Ciutat Vella in 2007; from the PSC, calling for improvements in vocational training, and from JxCat, calling on the Spanish government to publish fiscal balances. The proposals from Cs, the PP and Valents were rejected.The Full Council debated two proposals with content for institutional declarations relating to the former Councillor for Ciutat Vella, Itziar González, and the municipal worker Lourdes Conesa, who in 2007 denounced a racket awarding fraudulent permits to tourist accommodation in Ciutat Vella.
Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya proposed recognising that no head of the municipal government has properly supported the two whistleblowers, calling for them to by morally and institutionally compensated, and for better and stronger protocols to protect those who report corruption or irregularities. The proposal was approved with votes from the ERC, BComú, JxCat, Cs, no votes against it and abstentions from the PSC, the PP, Valents and the independent councillor.
Barcelona en Comú urged institutional recognition for those who denounced the irregularities committed between 2005 and 2009, plus the promotion of legally established channels to compensate them and a commitment to review and strengthen internal mechanisms which guarantee the rights of those who blow the whistle on fraud or corruption. The proposal was approved with votes from the ERC, BComú, JxCat and Cs, with no votes against it and abstentions from the PSC, the PP, Valents and the independent councillor
Ciutadans called on the municipal government to draft and implement a comprehensive security and coexistence plan for the people of Barcelona, including a new cross-cutting and more complete model for the City Police, representing a new security model. The proposal was rejected, with Cs, the PP, Valents and the independent councillor backing it, while the ERC, BComú and the PSC voted against it and JxCat abstained.
Valents urged the city government to present all the inspections and reports made on the work done at Can Vies, and to commission an external technical inspection to gauge possible shortcomings, assess the state of the structure and evict people and demolish the building if any danger is detected. The proposal was rejected with Cs, the PP, Valents and the independent councillor voting in favour, while the ERC and BComú voted against it and the PSC and JxCat abstained.
The Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya put forward a proposal with content for an institutional declaration denouncing the poor management and educational planning in vocational training for the 2022-2023 academic year, calling for improvements to the enrolment process and resources needed, materials, teaching staff and work placements. The proposal was approved with votes from BComú, the PSC, Cs, the PP, Valents and the independent councillor, while the ERC and JxCat voted against it.
The proposal from Junts per Catalunya with content for an institutional declaration called on the Spanish government to comply with the agreements approved on the annual publication of fiscal balances between the different regions, in particular the balance with Catalonia. The proposal was approved with votes from the ERC and JxCat, while Cs, Valents and the independent councillor voted against it and BComú, the PSC and the PP abstained.
The Partit Popular put forward a proposal with content for an institutional declaration to toughen up sentences for squatting homes or properties, particularly in the case of organised crime groups, along with other measures relating to squatting. The proposal was rejected, with the PP, Cs, Valents and the independent councillor voting in favour, while the ERC and BComú voted against it and the PSC and JxCat abstained.