Local commerce boosted by Bonus Consum vouchers over Christmas
The Bonus Consum campaign to promote the consumption of local products, services and hospitality at the end of 2021 concluded with 154,000 people exchanging 360,000 vouchers around 1,900 participating establishments.
A sum of 4,040,000 euros was used to fund the campaign, which ran from 18 October to 31 December and meant a direct injection of 3,600,000 euros for local commerce in the city. The campaign contributed 10 euros for every 20-euro voucher downloaded by consumers. In all, the initiative generated over 7.5 million euros in sales.
The day with the most voucher reservations (77,518) was Tuesday, 14 December, following the issue of a further 100,000 vouchers after the initial issue of 280,000 was used up.
The most vouchers were sold in the districts of L’Eixample (125,997), Sants-Montjuïc (51,614) and Sant Andreu (47,102). In terms of neighbourhoods, those that benefitted the most were Dreta de l’Eixample (32,695), Fort Pienc (31,994), Sant Andreu (30,061) and Sants (22,636). Finally, in terms of shopping districts, those that exchanged the most vouchers were in Fort Pienc (36,192), Sant Andreu (20,320), Creu Coberta (9,724) and Sant Martí (8,739).
The sectors which benefitted most from voucher exchanges were everyday non-food items, everyday foodstuffs and leisure and entertainment.
Nearly 4,600 establishments belonging to BCNMarket
Another goal of the Bonus Consum campaign was to promote BCNMarket, the city’s online shopping platform which now has nearly 4,600 participating shops and businesses. The platform aims to boost the online presence of local commerce and compete with major online platforms.
The initiative was created jointly with Barnacom (grouping together the shopping hubs belonging to Barclona Comerç and Barcelona Oberta), Comertia, Pimec, Foment del Treball, Gremi de Restauració, Agrupament de Botiguers i Comerciants de Catalunya and Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona.