Challenge to make the Guitard Play Library in Les Corts accessible and inclusive

Launched by Digital Future Society, the Commission for 2030 Agenda, the District of Les Corts and the Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD), this is the first of three challenges in the city’s districts to find innovative digital solutions. In this case, the challenge focuses on cognitive accessibility.

08/02/2022 13:01 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

The period for proposals runs until 30 March. The call is aimed at businesses, organisations and entrepreneurs with a vocation for innovation and an inclusive vision that fosters equal opportunities in all realms of social, cultural and educational life. The assessment period consists of three stages, with the chosen project to be announced early in May. The project will get financial backing to the tune of 40,000 euros, from the District of Les Corts and the Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD).

In the case of this first district technology challenge (with two more to follow this quarter in L’Eixample and Horta-Guinardó), the goal is to improve accessibility and inclusion at the Ludoteca Guitard, a local play library which opened in Les Corts in 2010 and which is part of the city’s network of public services for young children.

The call seeks to identify solutions to make the space more flexible, adapt its tools and games and improve cognitive and communicative accessibility. This will help children with any type of disability (physical, intellectual, visual or aural) or with any mental health disorder to enjoy games with their families and share a space for leisure and interaction with other users.

The challenge responds to the goal for municipal facilities to become more accessible. This first process is being channelled through the Inclusion Space operated by the District of Les Corts.

The initiative is part of the Innovacció 2030 programme, headed by the Commissioner for 2030 Agenda. The programme seeks to identify and test a series of tech solutions that have a positive impact for citizens and which help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the city.