Llum de Saló




Can Ricart (Carrer d’Emília Coranty, 5)

Un parell d'arquitectes: Eduard Callís, Guillem Moliner + Clàudia Calvet + Xevi Rodeja

Type: Installation

Audience: All ages

Four façades with bricked-up windows are all that remains of an industrial building in ruins: the most prominent structure on the square in the Can Ricart industrial complex. The square site, with no roof or paving and walls which mark out an inaccessible and uneven space, is populated by plants which have grown there freely.

During the festival, 150 light bulbs and their cables form an indoor light eight metres high and eight metres in diameter, structured into three rings.

The light is suspended in the middle of the remains of the industrial building. From the windows, the inside can be observed. The light recreates the lost ceiling, temporarily making the building whole again while highlighting the wild vegetation inside it and transforming the ruins into a delicate place, a room, a winter garden.

Acknowledgements:  Universitat de Barcelona

With the collaboration of: Medi Ambient i Serveis Urbans Enllumenat