Ombres que són Llum [Shadows that are Light]




Poblenou Centre Park

Escola Massana

Type: Installation

Audience: All ages

The installation compares the figure of the rubbish container with the collective imaginary of the household to put together a discourse on furniture recycling as a method of subsistence among Barcelona citizens. Which is why numerous containers with open lids reveal an interior decorated as different rooms, which show the irony of finding household components instead of their rubbish.

“Light and shadow are always linked, but what if we freed our shadows? And what if we provided them with the space to do whatever they cannot physically do?”. This is the project's starting point. Inspired by the idea of freeing light and shadows. Making shadows play in favour of expressing light and being able to find a sign of hope and happiness in such play, but above all a space for expressing oneself without fear.

Students: Alexandra Amador, Diana Arch, Mar Banega, Alejandra Carbajal, Omaima El Harrak Kenfaui, Lilly Espin, Andrea Espinola, Josefina Espinoza, Alex Estrada, Miquel Fernandez, Anne Marie Gallego, Úrsula Gallemí, Ann Golding, Irandy Handschin, Sun Jovino, Sasha Licuy, Clara Martin, Andrea Martínez, Judith Mercadal, Cristina Miró, Marta Mondón, Raquel Pérez, Nico Rodriguez, Sam Maria Santaló, Kristina Sutkute, Liset Ureta and Jessica Ye Zhou.

Tutors: Carles Albert Brell, Èlia Clemente, Romina Gris and Joaquín Pérez.

With the support of: ERCO Iluminación, SA and Iguana Grup, SA.