Nuestro mar vibra


OFF Llum


Chez Xefo. Carrer de Badajoz, 46

Maurici Ginés

Nuestro mar vibra are records of Barcelona light. Inspired from the trail of reflections created by the sun on water when it rises from the Mediterranean Sea, so that the work evokes a fragmented look at the sun’s rising: its reflections in the sea itself. The respective movements of the public and light in the installation create subtle perspective effects that generate a personal relationship with the work.

Maurici Ginés has been a lighting designer since 1994. In 1998 he founded artec3 to introduce and promote the profession of the independent light designer in Spain. Formerly the Chair of the Professional Lighting Designers’ Association (ADPI), from 2008 to 2012, he has also been a member of the International Association of Lighting Designers (IALD) since 2009. Ginés has received numerous awards at both a national and an international level, with his projects published on various occasions.