



Parc del Centre de Poblenou / Plaça de la Sardana - C. Espronceda, 155

Facultat de Belles Arts (UB)

230V is an environmental installation that seeks to explore self-reference as an engine of creation, an artistic self-sufficiency. The project, led by the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona, also proposes a game that forces the spectator to create new routes within Poblenou Centre Park. The piece takes away the usual characteristics of the setting and seeks to turn them on their head so as to change visitors’ perspective. Using iconic and symbolic elements of the festival itself, there are two structures that use metaphor for the installation: an electrical circuit which has no apparent purpose, and another circuit around it which reveals the first circuit and gives it back its meaning. It is like a metaphor, a game and also a transformation of that which is never seen, which becomes that which is sought.

STUDENTS:: Alex luz, Marina Cibrian, Auró Vernet, Pau Miralpeix, Joan Vidal, Ot Prieto, Enrique Chueca, Clàudia Pallarès, Lluc Humet, Mauro Gasull, Isabela Cabos, Luna Sánchez, Júlia Franco, Ayla Yu Miralles and Diego Díaz

TUTORS:  Martí Anson, Núria Gual, Teresa Pera and Miquel Planas

COLLABORATION AND SPONSORSHIP:: Fundació Bosch i Gimpera, BRAC Barcelona Research Art Creation and Napalm Rentals