Datos, Luz y Zumbidos


OFF Llum

FX Barcelona Film School - C. Pujades, 112

Agustina Palazzo

Datos, Luz y Zumbidos [Data, Light and Humming] is an installation that seeks to encapsulate the overwhelming human connection in the digital age through an analogue transformation of the digital environment. It explores the tangible and intangible materialities that surround us when we interact with screens. It is a reflection on the intensity of contemporary digital life, questioning how we engage with technology and its impact on our perception of the environment. The white light hidden within black messages is central to the representation of digital saturation, reflecting the binary colours of screens: white or black, on or off, 0 or 1. The intermittency of these lights creates a dynamic and enveloping atmosphere. The flashing lights and persistent hum are intended to reflect the constant saturation of the digital environment and invite viewers to plunge into this atmosphere and into our complex relationship with digital culture.

Agustina Palazzo is a multidisciplinary artist from Córdoba, Argentina. Her practice encompasses art, education and cultural management in the context of the digital world and new technologies. With a vision that oscillates between the critical and the poetic, she employs emerging technologies as creative tools in performances, sound designs, installations and objects. Palazzo is based in Barcelona, where she lectures for the Master’s in Digital Art Curation and the Specialisation Diploma in Interactive Design and Emerging Technologies at ESDi. She has participated in solo and group exhibitions, festivals and residencies in Latin America and Europe.