El mar en l’interior de la ciutat




Passatge MediaTIC - C. Roc Boronat, 127 

LCI Barcelona

Beach life is an essential part of the local culture of Barcelona’s neighbourhoods. It is one of the most distinctive elements of their urban and social identity, not only because it is a vital organ of the city, but also because it is a space of social identity. LCI Barcelona’s proposal is inspired by the idea of creating a deep connection between the sea and the heart of the neighbourhood, a connection that has changed drastically over the years, from an industrial landfill to an international leisure attraction, from the reality and memory of slum conditions to an Olympic miracle, from a space of social cohesion to a catalyst for civic protest. To achieve this, it uses Feel Free modules as the base for the installation El mar en el interior de la ciudad [The Sea Inside the City]. These modules create a unique atmosphere and a visually striking journey, using light to illuminate the chains and create distinctive visual effects.

STUDENTS: Pol Valles, Anna Maria Canals and Laia Huguet

TUTORS: Edgar Domínguez

COLLABORATION AND SPONSORSHIP: PdB Studio, Kriskadecor and Ilombra