



Solar del carrer de Tànger, 23

IED Barcelona

The root of the word that gave rise to the El Taulat neighbourhood in Poblenou means ‘a piece of farmland’. This is what remains of the plot at 23, Carrer de Tànger, a space that breathes the essence of the four natural elements: the fire of its industrial history, the air of its renewal, the water that borders its beaches and the clay and stone that support its community. It is the site of Luminent, a project that aims to connect the public with the soul of the neighbourhood. Each part symbolises an element: the ‘crater’ represents earth, the light evokes the energy of fire, and the soap bubbles embody water and contain air, allowing them to rise chaotically above the audience. It is a contemplative installation for the public to enjoy the fascination of bubbles interacting with light and creating illusions in a world that seems to have lost the ability to go ‘ooooh’.

STUDENTS: Bianca Giacomini, Clara Marcó, Hugo Martín, Iman Balzhanova, Joab Buenaño, Lisa Henry, Reina Tay Bou Dargham and Stepan Shalaev

TUTORS: Joan Recasens, Raffaella Perrone, Mery Glez. Coordination: David López and Simona Cannonito. Production support: Antonio Aranzana and Narek Mnatsakanyan