The school canteen purportedly plays a major role in the diet of children and teenagers, and is also said to be a tool for learning and education. But there is still little talk...
Expert in food sovereignty and transformation
Degree in Veterinary Medicine, with 25 years’ experience in international cooperation and rural development: 15 years in the field of advocating for food sovereignty and the right to food, and ten years in food systems and policies, research, the publication of articles and food policy consultancy.
He has coordinated several studies on topics such as collective catering, school canteens, shared bakeries and land ownership. He is a member of the technical team of the Menjadors Ecològics association, and collaborates with the magazine Soberanía Alimentaria, Biodiversidad y Culturas [Food Sovereignty, Biodiversity and Cultures], the El Pa Sencer cooperative, SCCL and the Pole Pole association for social transformation.
Last Update: September, 2021
The school canteen purportedly plays a major role in the diet of children and teenagers, and is also said to be a tool for learning and education. But there is still little talk...
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