
Like many other cities with global prominence, Barcelona has witnessed an exponential rise in the number of visitors in a very short space of time: from 4.4 million in 2004 to 20...

The relationship between tourism and the city is crucial for addressing key issues such as sustainability,...

La Rambla, one of Barcelona’s most iconic thoroughfares, is undergoing a transformation led by the KM_Zero...

The paradox is this: the more people oppose tourism, the more tourists there are. And this contradiction is...

Residents’ perception of the expansion of urban tourism, which is increasingly blurring the boundaries...

The touristification of the world is clearly illustrated by the phenomenon of digital nomads – typically...

For tourism to have a positive impact on the citizens of Barcelona, its capacity and its pressure on the...

The massive influx of visitors is transforming the city. However, when residents are asked about tourism,...
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