Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisGuaranteeing housing: a metropolitan challenge

Barcelona has always been a welcoming and appealing city. It is no wonder that its residents state, in poll after poll, that they would like to continue to do so. And their...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisHouse is a house is a house is a house is a house

The design of a substantial amount of housing is based on an obsolete concept that organises space according...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisMyths and truths about generation rent

A series of misconceptions and false beliefs surrounding rental housing have been propagated in recent years...

Illustration © Cinta Fosch
The social divides of the housing crisisScales of housing

Moving from mere talk to management will be the necessary shift in scale to balance housing supply and demand...

The social divides of the housing crisisA home for old age: a problem set to grow

The elderly of the future will reach retirement with less accumulated resources and with much more polarised...

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