Retrat de Emilio Santiago Muíño


PhD in Social Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Madrid and Master’s Degree in Public-Oriented Anthropology. Member of the Cross-disciplinary Research Group for Socio-Environmental Transitions and the group driving the manifesto Última Llamada [Last Call]. 

Activist and founder of the Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo [Break the Circle Transition Institute], he has extensive experience in managing projects from social movements. He has participated as a popular environmental educator in the Huerto en la Terraza [Urban Vegetable Garden] project at the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo in the Community of Madrid.

He is the author, among other works, of the books No es una estafa, es una crisis (de civilización) [It Is Not a Scam, It Is a Crisis (of Civilisation)] (Book Enclave, 2015), Rutas sin mapa: horizontes de transición ecosocial [Routes With No Map: Ecosocial Transition Prospects] (Catarata, 2016) and Opción cero: el reverdecimiento forzoso de la Revolución cubana [Zero Option: The Forced Re-greening of the Cuban Revolution] (Catarata, 2017).

Articles by Emilio Santiago Muíño

Il·lustració © Raquel Marín
Open city. The challenges of the futureTowards collective vows of luxurious poverty

Rather than thinking of the city as a doomed reality, as a certain catastrophic environmentalism does, we can see it as a yet-to-be fulfilled promise that the ecological transition can...

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