Clara Peya
Seeing Clara Peya (1983) on stage, sitting in front of the piano, is an unforgettable experience. She approaches it, surrendering her body and her soul to a new conquest that will...
Journalist and writer
He has published the poems Big Bang Llàtzer (Pare Colom Mediterranean Poetry Prize, 2016), Fosca Límit [Dark limit] (“Llegir en cas d’incendi” 2015 Prize for Best Book of Poems) and A l’ombra dels violins [In the shadow of violins] (Amadeu Oller Prize, 1997), among others.
He lectures in the Master’s Degree in Literary Journalism, Communication and Humanities (UAB) and at the Ateneu Barcelonès Writing School. He regularly contributes to the weekly news magazine El Temps, Catalunya Ràdio and the Barcelona television channel Betevé.
Last update: November, 2019
Clara Peya
Seeing Clara Peya (1983) on stage, sitting in front of the piano, is an unforgettable experience. She approaches it, surrendering her body and her soul to a new conquest that will...
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