Street-calming project completed in Gran de Sant Andreu

The remodelling project for the section between C/ Joan Torras and Pl. Mossèn Clapés has now been completed, in line with the Barcelona Superblock model. The street now has curbless paving, more greenery and new rest areas, priority for pedestrians and cyclists and more favourable conditions for local commerce.

25/02/2023 - 14:13 h - Urban planning and infrastructures Ajuntament de Barcelona

Curbless paving makes the entire street more accessible for pedestrians, while the 10 km/h speed limit for vehicles should cut traffic, pollution and noise.

The twenty trees planted in the street in addition to the 100 existing ones, plus 500 square metres of bushes, make for a better landscape. Meeting and rest areas have been increased through the addition of fifty benches and seats. Services have also been updated, as have telecommunication systems and drainage.

The remodelling project came in addition to the transformation of a first section of the street between C/ Joan Torras and Rambla Fabra i Puig. In all, 1.3 kilometres of traffic-calmed street based on input from local people during the draft stage.

Renovation of party walls to organise the urban landscape

The project also entailed the renovation of 23 party walls between buildings in the neighbourhood which had become exposed over the years as a result of demolitions and new constructions.

  • Mosaic route: isolation and restoration of mosaics in a dozen party walls to preserve works tasked to a local craftsperson.
  • Green route: implementation of vertical garden elements to boost greenery.
  • Memory route: architectural integration of features that highlight the origins of the neighbourhood.

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