
Give Barcelona books as gifts for Christmas!

28/11/2023 - 09:42 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

A highly diverse range of books have been published or jointly published by the City Council in 2023.

Barcelona City Council has published or jointly published numerous books in 2023, which is now drawing to an end. All of them are linked to the city in one way or another. You’ll find books about history, photography, biographical works, film, architecture, flora and fauna, plus children’s books and more. In short, books for all ages and all tastes and interests. We invite you to take a look at the latest publications, as there’s sure to be something for you!

To give some examples, Barcelona esgrafiada is a work by Lluís Duran which invites readers to take a stroll and discover the city’s architectural shell through nearly 150 examples of graffiti that adorn the façades of buildings in the city. Els cinemes de la meva vida, by Carlos Mir, offers a journey to the city in the 50s, 60s and 70s through its cinemas, many of them now disappeared. Carnet de Voyage: estimada Collserola offers an illustrated stroll around Barcelona’s green lung through the drawings of Raúl Deamo. La Barcelona de Pilar Aymerich, as the name indicates, looks at the main work of this city photographer, chosen by her, with previously unseen photos and memory texts that provide a moving historical context at the same time.

On the Christmas website we’ve highlighted a dozen books that we’ve published recently. Yet these are just a sample of the extensive catalogue of publications you can find on this link.