
The 10th Shakespeare Festival

Three years after the last edition in the Maresme district, the Shakespeare Festival returns to Barcelona under the auspices of La Perla 29

Under the direction of Montse Vellvehí, the 10th Shakespeare Festival will take place between the Thursday the 6th and Wednesday the 12th of June in a variety of venues in the Raval district, the majority of the performances being held in the Biblioteca de Catalunya and the Teatre Romea. Aside from parallel activities, a total of nine performances will be staged, four of which can be seen for the first time in Catalonia.

Heading the programme is Julio César, directed by Paco Ariza, with Mario Gas, Sergio Peris-Mencheta and Tristán Ulloa in the principle roles. These performance will mark the closure of the festival and can be seen on the 11th and 12th of June in the Teatro Romea. A prior reading of the play can be seen in La Central in the Raval district on the 10th.

From the 6th to the 9th, La Biblioteca de Catalunya will be hosting at least one daily performance dedicated to the works of the famous playwright. La caiguda d’Amlet or La caiguda de l’H (Hamlet’s silent version), with Jordi Oriol of the Indi Gest company, will be presenting a radically liberal version of Hamlet – a departure that steers away from the behavioural aspects of the protagonist, focusing on his conscience.

The Pelmànec Company will be presenting Diagnóstic Hamlet, with the aid of puppets created by Martí Doy. Under the direction of María Castillo, the protagonist and author of the piece, Miquel Gallardo, performs an in-depth study of the complexity of the Shakespearian character, offering a portrayal of his fears and existential torment.
In the gothic hall of the Biblioteca, Italian choreographer and director Moreno Bernardi will be presenting [H]Works, also inspired by one of The Bard’s most enduring figures. This is a solo dance performance accompanied by a sound track in several languages and music by Benet Casablancas.
The festival also leaves room for music and poetry. Big Will Shakespeare!!, directed by Quim Lecina, is a pub recital with piano, cello, saxophone and mezzosoprano voice, and Sonets Encandenats is a recital of Shakespeare’s poems by Lluis Soler.
Completing the programme there is Treballs d’amor perduts, by the Parking Shakespeare company, directed by Marilla Samper (after which there will be a discussion with the Associació Catalana de Shakespeare relating to the playwright’s proposals) and La Julieta, with Rosa Gàmiz, a family version based on Romeo and Juliet, directed by Oriol Broggi.
The festival also includes activities that extend beyond theatrical performances, including conferences, debates, artistic installations and films, so there is plenty to choose from.
Publication date: Sunday, 02 June 2013
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