
Born Centre for Culture and Memory

Find out how Barcelona got its water in the eighteenth century

You can delve into history on this guided tour through the Ribera neighbourhood and the Born archaeological site.

The Born Centre for Culture and Memory holds many of the keys to understanding the history of Barcelona and regularly shares this knowledge with locals and visitors alike through exhibitions and guided tours. An example of this is the question of how the 18th century city managed to ensure the supply of an essential resource: water. The Ribera neighbourhood contains examples of many of the city's old water supply infrastructures, including canals, wells and septic tanks, which can now be seen on a guided tour that explores how the city's complex water system worked by seeking out the small elements that shaped the urban space and the domestic structures of the metropolis.

The tour will take place every Thursday evening from 5 July to 30 August. One of the main focuses of the tour is the Rec Condal, an irrigation canal that was one of the most important infrastructures for managing Barcelona's water at that time.

The tour, which includes a snack with a drink, costs €13. Book a place by dialling 93 256 68 50 or by email at

Publication date: Wednesday, 18 July 2018
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