The Citizen Agreement for a More Sustainable Barcelona 2024-2034 is the common work framework of the Network and the statement of its commitments. It embodies the city's desire to tackle its climate, social and ecological challenges in a collaborative way.
What does More Sustainable Organizations and Business offer?
The More Sustainable Organizations and Business program offers:
Common work framework
Technical support and advice
Personalised assistance and technical support via telephone, email and in-person visits.
Periodic communication
Periodic communication through the web portal, the Newsletter, and e-mail communications.
Dissemination of the actions of the Network's members
Announcing and sharing the sustainability actions underway in the Network.
Resources and materials
Resources, tools and materials to apply sustainability criteria to the organizations in the More Sustainable Commerce program.
Activities and training
Conferences, training sessions, participatory or informative sessions, visits, tours and presentations of experiences, etc.
Work groups and spaces to exchange experiences among all the members of the More Sustainable Barcelona Network.
Advantatges and economic incentives
Information on grants, awards, subsidies and tax breaks.