Bromistes, tramposos i mentiders (Antologia del realisme màgic català 1923-1945)

Editorial Males Herbes (2021)

In the 1920s, when the literary avant-gardes spanned Europe, Italian writer Massimo Bontempelli introduced surrealism into Italian literature through of a new genre that he baptised as “magic realism” that pursued games and imagination as tools for talking about different aspects of modern life. His short stories about everyday life converted into an extraordinary adventure left their mark on the work of many Catalan writers that would follow him, including Pere Calders, Francesc Trabal, Elvira Augusta Lewi, Salvador Espriu and Ramon Vinyes, the writer and playwright from Berga who appears as “the wise Catalonian” in One hundred years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez. This anthology, with selection work and a prologue by writer and editor Ramon Mas, brings together narrations by these authors as well as others, thus providing an overview of Catalan contributions to magic realism.