Factoria Grec

  • Activitats paral·leles


We invite you to enter a rehearsal room to see part of one of the shows scheduled for the Grec 2023 Festival de Barcelona and, with the company, to discover all the behind-the-scenes secrets.

Have you ever entered a rehearsal room before? Do you know how a show is put together? What instructions the directors give? How many times the same scene is repeated? At this event, you will discover the answers to all these questions first-hand. And if you have any queries, these will be answered by members of the companies or the professional critics leading the sessions. A unique opportunity to get the low-down on what goes on backstage and also to learn about the work of a series of Catalan creators who have benefited from the Grec Festival’s initiatives to support creation.


La paella dels dijous (The Thursday Paella), by Cristina Clemente
Date and time: 14 June at 6.00 pm
Venue: Flyhard Produccions

Is what we thought would last a lifetime really forever? This is the question posed by a theatre production cooked up on both sides of the Atlantic as part of an international collaborative stage experience. In El Maldà theatre, Cristina Clemente recreates an extreme situation experienced within a family.

This show is part of a joint collaboration project between authors and directors from Catalonia and Argentina. It was designed by three local theatres within the framework of the project On el teatre batega, and has resulted in three productions: La paella dels dijous (El Maldà), Silvia (Sala Flyhard) and Rovira vs. Rodríguez (Sala Versus Glòries). Each theatre will host a different production featuring shared characters: come and see the three shows to get the full picture of the story they are telling.

Moderator: Alba Cuenca
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Nessun Dorma, by Eu Manzanares
Date and time: 19 June at 5.30 pm
Venue: Sala Becket

The 1950s. A woman from a working-class neighbourhood on the outskirts of Barcelona leaves her house with a basket. After walking for a couple of hours, she enters some laboratories in the city’s uptown district, where she listens to classical music and operatic arias while making her “voluntary donation”. Hours later, back home, everyone jumps for joy when they see her return with the basket full of food. They will not say a word about the wounds on her arms. And so, they will grow up living in precarious circumstances, but with the gratitude that comes from having food on the table. A story about a playwright bent on talking about family misery that questions whether a theatre production can help to repay a debt that is both personal and social.

Moderator: Gema Moraleda
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Extinction Rave, by Fundación Mis Bragas
Date and time: 22 June at 6.00 pm
Venue: Nau Ivanow

The Earth, patriarchy, climate change, desire and relational ontologies. These are but some of the issues addressed in this sound journey, the final version of which can be experienced at the Museum of Natural Sciences. The proposal forms part of the “Creation and Museums” programme which, since 2019, has been promoting creation experiences that bring creators into contact with the city’s big museums, creation spaces and art factories. They are examples of creation processes for dance, circus, theatre or other live-arts disciplines created specifically for the places where spectators will see them. They offer a different and alternative view of the collections held in the city’s various museums or of the buildings they are performed in.

Moderator: to be confirmed
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The weak side, by Marina Fueyo
Date and time: June, 28, 6 pm
Venue: Graner

The choreography that won the 2022 Institut del Teatre Dance Prize speaks of motherhood, considered to be a symbol of perpetual union that can transcend the end of existence. It was created by the choreographer Marina Fueyo, who, with this piece, won an award dedicated to promoting the work of young creators and performers to foster the professionalisation of their talent.

Moderator: Júlia Vernet
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Lady Panda, by Clara Poch
Date and time: 29 June at 6.00 pm
Venue: La Central del Circ

A bare, honest, humble and vulnerable circus; a movement that is a veritable choreography of bodily gestures and actions; live music that has accompanied all their shows; song; theatre; and much more. All these languages are used as a means of expression by Clara Poch Masià, one of the creators of Mumusic Circus, in a production by her own company that features the concepts of suspension, dead centre and turning as three key elements. In the languages of both circus and music, this creation will speak to you about those moments when we are ready to accept a loss in order to seek out a new gain, the moment when we let go and make a turn that changes everything.

Moderator: Marcel Barrera
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Guardianes del corazón de la Tierra [Guardians of the Heart of the Earth], by La Conquesta del Pol Sud
Date and time: 30 June at 6.00 pm
Venue: Nau Ivanow

The company La Conquesta del Pol Sud documents the journey of a member of a community from the Brazilian Amazon, the Huni Kuin (which means “the authentic people” in their language), back to his origins. The journey starts in Hamburg, Germany, and the destination is the interior of the Jordão region, deep in the Brazilian rainforest. Along the way, we witness the world of the Amazon rainforest, which is succumbing to the pressure of uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources.

The investigative journalism carried out by the company seeks to confront us with the ancient ideas of Amazonian cultures: an approach to the relationship between human beings and the earth that is far removed from Western thought. It does so by combining images, movement and objects, in a production that straddles the genres of documentary and performance poetry.

Moderator: Ramon Oliver
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En mitad de tanto fuego, by Alberto Conejero
Date and time: 8 July at 6.00 pm
Venue: Fabra i Coats

A monologue combining voices from the past and the present, which is both a war song and an oratorio for the victims, a dark poem that speaks not only of the violence of the battlefield, but also of the violence of desire. Alberto Conejero shares with the audience the beauty, mystery and darkness of an epic poem through which he enters into dialogue with the human condition and links different eras based on the character of Patroclus, the brother-in-arms of Achilles.

Moderator: Manuel Pérez i Muñoz
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  • Schedule
    14, 19, 22, 29 and 30 June and 8 July
  • Space

    Diversos espais