Work gets under way to enlarge the CAP Besòs

The new facilities at the primary healthcare centre will be housed on the three upper floors of a new building with 5,200 square metres of floor space. The building will be on the site freed up by the demolition of the former Pere IV cinema, in the district of Sant Martí. The building will also be home to the new Ramon d’Alòs-Moner library and an auditorium.

03/10/2023 19:57 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Designed by the Jorge Vidal architect’s studio, the new municipally owned building will have a ground floor, a basement and six upper floors.

The building is a wholly efficient construction in terms of energy and the environment, and will have three main spaces:

  • A multi-use auditorium of over 500 square metres in the basement, for all types of activities.
  • The Biblioteca Ramon d’Alòs-Moner (a new library currently housed at Rambla Prim 87, sharing space with the Besòs community centre), occupying the first, second, third and mezzanine floors, with floor space of around 2,400 m².
  • The new premises of the CAP Besòs on the three upper floors of the building, doubling the current floor space from 1,500 m² to 3,000 m² and connecting with the existing facility through a walkway which will unite the two buildings.

The facility will have an overall floor space of 5,246,72 square metres, of which an area of 3.449,60 square metres will be for use by Barcelona City Council.

The project was possible through an agreement signed between Barcelona City Council and CatSalut to enable the CAP Besòs to be enlarged. The overall investment set out in the agreement is for 15,230,622 euros, of which 9.8 million comes from Barcelona City Council (4 million through the Neighbourhood Plan to fund community spaces and organisations), and 5.5 million from the Catalan government’s Ministry of Health.

The calendar for executing the future facility means the first stage of work should be completed around July 2025, with the second stage to be completed in May 2026.


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