Elderly people make themselves heard again
The sixth Voices of the Elderly Convention got under way today with a working session at the Lleialtat Santsenca community centre. The convention is held every four years and will run from September 2022 to March 2023, offering a space for sharing good practice, reflection and debate about the city, as well as making proposals on improving quality of life for everybody. The goal is to weigh up the work already done and formulate proposals for the future.
The convention is open to anybody in the city over 60, as well as professionals, researchers, experts on ageing and other groups with an interest in this field. The slogan for the convention translates as “Let’s take part to guarantee rights. Come and make yourself heard”.
Over the coming months there will be different types of action: two meetings for reflection, a wide array of activities in the districts, visits to important facilities and three citizen exchanges. Other specific spaces include the Vincles network and the Decidim platform to promote participation and listening to as many voices as possible.
The Voices of the Elderly Convention is organised by the Area for Social Rights and is promoted by the Advisory Council for the Elderly, the participatory body for senior citizens in the city for the last twenty years.