Special checks on date palms completed
A total of 1,363 trees were checked in all, with 708 removed in a move to minimise any risk and speed up the replacement of the city’s date palms, a process which began in 2014. Systematic watering will be maintained during the hot months using the watering network, or with a tank truck where there is no network in place.In line with the changes introduced in the Barcelona Tree Risk Plan, date palms more than ten metres tall have been felled in locations where they could cause physical harm to people, as have those where risk factors were identified.
It’s worth noting that the municipal tress risk assessment plan already included specific assessment measures for date palms, such as the analysis of trunks to detect internal anomalies and an oscillation test to gauge tree rotation.
Teams from Parks and Gardens have handled 79 requests relating to date palms from members of the public in recent weeks, mainly linked to the removal of dry foliage.
All these special measures were introduced and executed based on the studies carried out following the accident in August, which indicated that the main cause for the date palm breaking could not be established.