First proceedings to impose fines for not allocating housing for official protection
Proceedings have been brought against three large housing renovation projects in L’Eixample for non-compliance with the regulations to allocate 30% of flats for official protection. The infringement could result in fines of between 400,000 and 600,000 euros in each case, depending on the built surface space, and exclusion from participating in projects for housing with official protection (HPO) for the next one to three years.
The three large renovation projects are in the streets of Comte Borrell, Los Castillejos and Muntaner. Between them they were meant to include ten homes with official protection. In each case the administrative procedure was for successive minor work permits instead of an application for the correct permit, which would only have been given if the application had contemplated the allocation of HPO.
Act 18/2007 on the right to housing establishes that non-compliance with the allocation of protected housing in urban planning (in this case 30%) is a severe infringement, with fines of between 90,000 and 900,000 euros.
More cases detected and first rectifications
The proceedings brought now are the first of seventeen cases of non-compliance detected by municipal inspection teams, bringing to seventy the number of officially protected homes not contributed to the city. A further six cases are expected to be brought soon.
Municipal inspections and warnings have meant that in two of the seventeen cases the developers have started applications for major renovation permits, offering the corresponding quota of homes for official protection. With the rest, once their cases have been analysed by the Discipline and Anti-Mobbing Unit at the Municipal Institute for Housing and Renovation, new proceedings will be brought where appropriate, under Act 18/2007 on the right to housing.

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