Nearly a hundred million euros to boost municipal markets

Over 96 million euros is to be invested to improve the city’s 40 municipal markets between now and 2023. Most of the spending, 70.6 million, will be for major projects to overhaul the Abaceria, Sant Andreu, Horta and Montserrat markets, and improvements to the Besòs, Galvany and Sagradia Família facilities. An additional 22.6 million will be spent on maintenance across the whole network, and 2.7 million on the plan to help the city’s markets go digital.

31/03/2021 16:29 h

Ajuntament de Barcelona

Major transformation projects are currently under way at four city markets (Sant Andreu, Abaceria, Montserrat and Horta), between them accounting for an investment of 63,086,984 euros.

  • Abaceria: The project for this iconic market has been altered to respond to demands from local associations and organisations. Work should begin between the end of 2021 and the start of 2022.
  • Sant Andreu: The new market will open at the end of 2021 and offers a building which is less bulky than before, with fresh food stalls, an underground floor for refrigerated storage and logistics and a building in the arches in Plaça del Mercadal with non-food stalls and offices.
  • Horta: This listed building will be remodelled with a glass exterior keeping the concrete structure visible and providing natural light. The lower floors will also house a supermarket, car parking and logistics spaces.
  • Montserrat: The three floors will have 25 food establishments, a bar-cafeteria, five outside establishments, storage and logistic spaces and 50 parking spaces.

Improvements will also be made at three other markets (Besòs, Galvany and Sagrada Família), with a budget of 7,538,116 euros.

  • Besòs: Transfer of the logistics area and layout of commerce, plus improvements to entrances.
  • Galvany: Upgrade of electrical installations.
  • Sagrada Família: Reorganisation of the sales area.

Prioritising maintenance

In addition, 22.4 million euros will be spent on general improvements and maintenance around the network of markets. Work was carried out at 35 markets in 2020. More work is planned at 23 municipal markets in 2021.

Resources will be increased to guarantee market services function well (23.5% of the total investment) and ensure sustainability criteria. Notable measures here include the introduction of LED lighting in markets, improvements to climate control in buildings and more recycling and reuse.

Successful model

The network of municipal markets offers a successful example of public-private management becoming an internationally recognised model. This backing for the markets in recent years has come into its own during the pandemic, with markets becoming further consolidated in terms of social cohesion and economic vitality.

The city’s markets had 46,388,777 visits in 2020, while orders placed online or by phone increased tenfold. Some 66% of people in Barcelona shop at markets and, as a whole, rate the facilities with an average score of 7.7 out of ten.

Going digital

The pandemic has accelerated the digitalisation of markets, a process which will attract 2,771,867,87 euros in investment between now and 2023. This will allow all the necessary infrastructure to be installed to compete in an increasingly digital market, as well as the launch of the marketplace at all Barcelona markets.

Market operators and the Barcelona Institute of Municipal Markets (IMMB) are involved in funding the renovation work and improvements at markets around the city.


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