New block of industrially produced housing in Sant Martí
The block of eight floors and 45 flats in C/ Marroc has been built in four weeks. The 104 concrete modules, factory produced and equipped, reduce construction time to a year, halving the overall time for completing the building.Each home is made up of two modules which already have kitchen and sanitary furnishings, along with the windows and other installations. Once the final assembly is completed, utilities are installed and the finishes on the façade and the rooftop completed.
Industrialised housing: quicker and more ecological
This building technique halves construction times, reducing the overall building time to a year. It also generates 75% less waste and 40% less in emissions, offering greater safety and lower accident rates, with less reliance on environmental conditions.
The Municipal Institute for Housing currently has seven blocks under construction using industrialised methods. With the exception of the block in C/ Marroc, all the blocks use wood as their main construction material. Between them, the projects will add 328 homes to the public housing stock.
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