Over 7.5 million euros to drive cooperation and education for justice
The city is to devote 7.52 million euros this year to 115 international cooperation and education projects for global justice, an increase of 6.36% compared to 2021. Over half the projects presented in the subsidy call will receive funding.The 115 projects to receive funding from Barcelona City Council are grouped into three programmes:
- International cooperation for global justice: 42
- International cooperation for specific cities: 16
- Education for global justice: 57
Gender justice stands out in the programme for cooperation, with the 25 projects put forward representing some 30% of the projects in this programme, while the predominant line in the education programme was learning services, with the 19 projects put forward here representing some 20% of those presented in this programme.
Among the projects presented in cooperation for global justice there were initiatives linked to the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change in Senegal, the promotion of women’s labour rights in El Salvador, the protection of human rights defenders in Colombia, the improvement of health, water and sanitation in the Gaza Strip and the promotion of the right to the city in Maputo.
In terms of education for global justice, municipal funding will be given to awareness initiatives in the sphere of human rights, gender justice and food sovereignty. As for learning services, funding will go to projects geared towards a culture of peace, the migration crisis and ethical and solidarity finance. In addition, there will be funding for projects to denounce bad practice and mobilise people in the sphere of ethical public spending, with support also to be given to projects promoting environmental justice in the context of the global climate emergency, linked to the violation of environmental rights, refuge, militarisation and food sovereignty.