Over a thousand education and leisure options for children and young people as “T’estiu molt” returns
The registration process to sign up children and young people between the ages of 1 and 17 for summer activities in the municipal campaign “T’estiu molt” is open from 15 April. Over a thousand options are included in the campaign, offering a total of 335,344 places for activities in the sphere of sport, education, free time, specific themes and culture, organised between 26 June and 5 September.What type of activities form part of the “T’estiu molt” programme?
The range of options includes the “Bressol d’estiu” nursery school programme for toddlers up to the age of 3, summer camps, routes, activity camps, sports camps, the Campus Olímpia (sport), a musical arts workshop, family activities and more.
What are the minimum and maximum ages for registering?
The minimum age is 1, and the maximum is 17.
When do activities take place?
The first start on 29 June and the last end on 5 September.
How to apply?
Applications can be made online or in person. Those interested in formally registering should get in touch with the organising entity using the contact details published for each activity listed on the “T’estiu molt” website.
Are there any activities for children and young people with disabilities?
Yes. All activities in the campaign must guarantee the inclusion of all children and teenagers, with a suitable programme and technical and human means for youngsters to participate regardless of whether they have a disability or not. Activity organisers can apply to the Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities (IMPD) to get extra support for their team of monitors to attend to children who have special inclusion difficulties owing to a disability.
The programme includes adapted activities for children and young people under the age of 21, providing the family and the organising entity consider the activity suitable.
Are there any grants available?
Yes. The summer campaign facilitates access to activities for all children and young people in the city, thanks to municipal economic support and human resources for families and children who for personal or financial reasons need special help to access activities.
Grants are for a maximum of 14 days in the case of the “Bressol d’estiu” and for activities organised outside Barcelona, such as summer camps and routes, and for a maximum of 10 days for the rest of activities.
When and how to apply for grants?
The period for applying for grants is from 17 April to 15 May inclusive. Applications can be made online using the Virtual Procedures Office, with users recommended to have a digital certificate such as the idCAT Mòbil or superior. For those without one, a support service will be set up to help people get one and complete the digital procedure.
More information on the programme can be found on the “T’estiu molt” website. For specific queries the site also has a FAQs section.