The Mayor within reach
Once a month, the Mayor, Jaume Collboni, spends a few days in a different city district to get closer to local people in all of Barcelona’s neighbourhoods. The initiative began in October 2023, when the district office in Sant Martí acted as the City Hall. Next it was the turn of Sant Andreu (November 2023), followed by Nou Barris (January 2024) and Gràcia (February 2024), Sarrià – Sant Gervasi (March 2024), Horta-Guinardò (April 2024) and Sants-Montjuïc (June 2024). Now it’s the turn of Ciutat Vella (first week of July 2024).The idea of this programme is to get closer to citizens and engage more directly at a local level with organisations, commerce, facilities, public spaces, businesses, students, district workers and all the city’s inhabitants and social bodies.
Over the coming days, besides the meetings by ordinary government bodies which are usually held at the City Hall in Pl. Sant Jaume and the usual office premises, the Mayor will have a specific agenda for engaging with people and organisations in each area.
The Mayor in Ciutat Vella
During the first week of July, the Mayor’s usual activity will centre be conducted from the district of Ciutat Vella, combining his regular agenda with specific activities to engage with local associations, residents and economic stakeholders in the district.
Talk to the Mayor
The Mayor will be taking part in an informal meeting with local people in Ciutat Vella, with district residents able to personally speak to him with their needs, doubts, proposals and queries, in a session called Parla amb l’alcalde (Talk to the Mayor). Anybody wishing to speak to the Mayor needs to fill in the request form, up to 9 am on 25 June, or when places are all filled.
District by district
“The Mayor within reach” began with Collboni spending time in Sant Martí from 3 to 5 October 2023. The Mayor complemented his usual activity by visiting the start of work to enlarge the CAP Besòs and the Biblioteca del Besòs, at the site of the former Pere IV cinema. He also met centenarian organisations in the district, visited the Mercat del Clot, the City Police unit in Sant Martí, the Catalan Basketball Federation and others. The Mayor also attended the ceremony to award a posthumous cultural medal to Francisco Ibàñez, the creator of Mortadelo i Filemón, at the Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez.
The Mayor was in Sant Andreu from 20 to 23 November 2023. There he was able to discover the City Police unit based in the former Pegaso factory and visit organisations with solid roots in this district, such as the Societat Cultural i Esportiva La Lira. In the neighbourhood of Bon Pastor, Jaume Collboni got a first-hand look at economy and coexistence projects being carried out in the area. As part of his programme to spend time in the districts, the meeting by the Childhood Board was also held at the Camp del Ferro multi-sports ground.
This year got under way with the Mayor spending time in Nou Barris from 8 to 11 January. The Mayor got a first-hand look at the project to add vitality to C/ Cadí. He also visited various education centres: the Escola Turó de la Peira, the youth project at the Escola Deià and the ITB and the Institut Escola Trinitat. Collboni also dropped in at various municipal facilities, such as the City Police premises in the district, the Citizen Help and Information Office and the Housing Office. During the visit to Nou Barris, the programme launched the initiative “Talk to the Mayor”. Those attending were able to discuss a variety of topics such as the future of work for young people, public transport, green environments, safety and more.
The Mayor was in Gràcia from 5 to 8 February, where he visited various social organisations such as the Associació Catalana d’Integració i Desenvolupament Humà (acidH), the Fundació BarcelonActua and the Fundació Nexe. His agenda included visits to two public facilities, the Centre for Families with Teenagers and the Gràcia Fab Lab. Jaume Collboni also had direct contact with local people, through the “Talk to the Mayor” activity and a private supper with a family in Gràcia.
The Mayor was in Sarrià – Sant Gervasi from 5 to 8 March. He visited the Escola Monserdà-Santapau, the mountain neighbourhoods and the work being done there, plus the local City Police unit. He also presented Barcelona World Capital of Architecture 2026 from a highly iconic spot for its architecture, the Rei Martí Cistern. Coinciding with 8 March, he also took part in the inauguration of the Llar Rosario Endrinal women’s home.
The Mayor was based at the district office in Horta-Guinardó from 2 to 4 April. He visited the City Police unit in Vall d’Hebron, as well as local organisations such as the Escola del Mar and the Club de Judo La Salle Horta. He also visited the Mercat del Carmel, the sports courts in C/ Tenerife, Can Baró and more.
Next it was the turn of Sants-Montjuïc, from 3 to 6 June, where Jaume Collboni visited the Escola Gayarre, the Bloc4BCN cooperative space, the former industrial site of Can Batlló, and the facilities at the VI Serveis cooperative, in La Marina del Prat Vermell. He also visited the City Police unit in Montjuïc.