

OFF Llum


Sala Razzmatazz (passatge) - C. Pamplona, 88

Darklight Studio + Inzist

Metamorphosis is a captivating journey that explores transformation through the cyclical nature of life. This installation fuses dynamic projections with architecture, allowing viewers to witness the metamorphosis of urban and natural landscapes. Featuring a carefully choreographed visual and aural symphony, it explores dualities of existence such as light and darkness, past and future, and creation and destruction. The work connects viewers to the universality of human experience, provokes reflection on personal and collective transformation, and inspires imagination and connection to the constant flow of existence. It is a celebration of the ephemeral beauty of transformation, encouraging visitors to reflect on their own capacity for change in an ever-evolving world.

Darklight is a collective that brings together audiovisual artists for mapping projects and festivals. Their aim is to create outstanding audiovisual projects, always looking for aesthetic innovation and technical quality. The collective approaches each new project as a challenge, and this has won them several awards and accolades. They specialise in mapping, fulldome and audiovisual content for festivals and exhibitions, as well as other projects for private companies.

Inzist is a multidisciplinary artist who experiments with sound design and electronic music. His productions blend the potential of modern technological discoveries with the use of analogue synthesizers and rhythm boxes. This, combined with his academic background in 2D and 3D graphics and animation, makes him a dynamic artist capable of adapting to all types of projects and finding his place in a work environment made up of different personalities and skills.