![©Miquel Coll/MACBA](https://www.barcelona.cat/metropolis/sites/default/files/styles/large/public/bm_126_exposicions_ample1100_1.jpg?itok=db45hQgv)
Elvira Dyangani Ose opened her first exhibition in the MACBA collection in December 2022. After chronological exhibitions and other shows with a socio-political theme, the aim...
Journalist, art historian and poet, Ribas Tur has been the arts and culture editor for the newspaper Ara since it was first published in 2010.
He has published the poetry collections Mudances [Moving] (winner of the 2002 Baladre Prize, Institut d’Estudis Eivissencs), Ciutats sense memòria [Cities with no Memory] (2005 Vila de Vallirana Josep Maria López Picó Prize, Proa) and Les despulles d’un somni [The Remains of a Dream] (13th Vila d’Ascó Joan Perucho Prize for Poetry, 2018, Edicions Saldonar).
Last Update: April, 2023
Portrait: ©Ferran Forné
Elvira Dyangani Ose opened her first exhibition in the MACBA collection in December 2022. After chronological exhibitions and other shows with a socio-political theme, the aim...
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