
One of the historical events underpinning the extraordinary exhibition Amazons. The Ancestral Future, on display until 4 May at the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (...

A photograph of Luis García-Berlanga at the now-closed Bodega Bohemia greets us as we enter the exhibition Interior Berlanga. Cinema, vida i humor...

The Virreina Centre de la Imatge hosts the largest retrospective of the Canadian artist Jeff Wall ever held in Spain, showcasing 36 pieces representing 40 years of his career....

Picture yourself stepping into an exhibition that, rather than drawing from the conventional history of its discipline, draws upon all those subversive narratives historically...

Miquel Barceló (Felanitx, 1957) is primarily known for his bold and powerful painting, characterised by overflowing materiality and significant value in the art market. However,...

Under the banner of artificial intelligence, the world is being reconstructed on the basis of neurons, memories, imagination and thoughts, but also chips, databases,...

The exhibition Rere els murs del monestir. Set-cents anys d’una història en femení [Behind the Monastery Walls. Seven Hundred Years of a Female History] allows us to...

Elvira Dyangani Ose opened her first exhibition in the MACBA collection in December 2022. After chronological exhibitions and other shows with a socio-political theme, the aim...
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