Curator and researcher

He holds a Degree in Art History and a Master’s Degree in Philosophy from the University of Málaga. He is currently pursuing a PhD exploring the speculative politics of the body within contemporary artistic practices, situated within the frameworks of new materialisms, affect theory and perspectives of queer feminist criticism.

He has participated in numerous publications and international academic meetings on queer and camp aesthetics, architecture, queer ethnographies, affect theory and the intersection of artistic practices with biopolitical criticism. He curated Desiring Architecture as part of the International Festival of Desiring Architectures, delving into themes of flamenco/Gypsy culture and issues of queer ecology. In addition, he has curated exhibitions featuring artists such as Fernando Bayona, Victoria Maldonado, Regina de Miguel and Florencia Rojas, among others.

Last Update: April, 2024

Articles by Álex Martín Rod.

Visit to the Ethnological Museum's reserves during the spring of 2023 with artist Agnes Essonti to choose the objects she would use. © Rosa Lleó
Incantations against the whiteness of the cube

Picture yourself stepping into an exhibition that, rather than drawing from the conventional history of its discipline, draws upon all those subversive narratives historically...

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